
Study of blood groups antigens frequency for ductal breast carcinoma patients in some Iraqi women

100 blood samples collected from patients with ductal breast carcinoma for some women in Iraq. Blood groups antigens frequency (ABO, Lewis, MNS, and Lutheran) is measured using Hemagglutination test. The results showed that no statistical significant for two blood types (A, O) in ductal breast carcinoma patients and control groups. Whereas, blood type (B) in patients is lowest (10%) than in control groups (24%), and there is statistical significant of p<0.01. The Lewis blood groups in patients have different frequency compare with control groups. Where, Le (a- b+) blood groups in patients is lowest (40%) than in control groups (55%) with statistical significant (p<0.05), Le (a+ b-) blood groups in patients are lowest (29%) than in control groups (31%) with no statistical significant, Le (a- b-) blood groups in patients is highest (23%) than in control groups (10%), and Le (a+ b+) blood groups in patients is highest (8%) than in control groups (4%) with statistical significant (p<0.05). Whereas, MNS groups in patients are highest (77%) than in control groups (57%) with statistical significant (p<0.01), Lutheran (a- b-) groups in patients are highest (31%) than in control groups (6%) with statistical significant (p<0.01) and Lutheran (a- b+) groups in patients are lowest (65%) than in control groups (83%) with statistical significant (p<0.01). Finally, the results of the present study indicate that there is a correlation between the presence of molecules responsible for blood groups and the presence of ductal breast cancer as select this interdependence depending on the presence in the patient groups and it different in control groups.


B. A. Almayahi

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